Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Trip

Here is your chance to get out into the desert this fall! I will be leading a treasure hunt October 8-9th (Saturday-Sunday) in the Southern and Eastern Mojave desert. The location is still TBA, but I've heard as of yesterday a lot of rain just fell in the SE Mojave. Who knows what we could find. Perhaps, the rare Proboscidea althaeifolia, Desert Devil's Claw! RSVP to Details at our Meetup site.

In a wash in the Turtle Mountains. We took a collection of seeds from these Nolina plants for the seed bank at the RSA botanic garden. They were covered with bees that then proceeded to mob me! Luckily no stings.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thank you!

This post is a "shout out" to all the people and organizations that have supported our program in one way or another this season. I can't individually thank everyone here, but I'd like to send a big thank you to all our volunteers as a whole and the groups and organizations that have made this program work.

So far in 2011 over 65 volunteers have dedicated over 1300 volunteer hours to the the Rare Plant Treasure Hunt in the desert and surrounding areas. We would have been lost without all this help. Our main funding comes from grants from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) and from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). So first and foremost a thank you to them for seeing the value in this project and making it possible!

Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden has been a huge support. They have given me office space for most of the year and also let me use all of the resources there, including a first rate herbarium. Visit and see the article they did about us here.

San Bernardino National Forest helped plan and co-lead a rare plant treasure hunt in the Big Bear Lake area.

Habitatwork is an "environmental stewardship action group" that joined us in the desert to search for rare plants. The leaders were so organized and efficient that things went very smoothly.

The Sierra Club has supported us in several ways. They have published two articles about us- in the Desert Report and the Palm and Pine. And Sierra Club member and leader of the Friends of the Juniper Flats Jenny helped us plan and co-lead a trip to the Juniper Flats area in the Northern San Bernardino Mountains Foothills.

Desert Survivors Club and their members have been a huge help to us this season by planning, co-leading and participating in three overnight camping field trips. These are truly hardy volunteers. Photos top and bottom of DSC members.

California Wilderness Coalition helped us plan and lead a three day trip into the Soda Mountains proposed wilderness to search for rare plants. Finding nonexsistent roads and fending off rattlesnakes was only part of the fun!The Coachella Valley Preserve was gracious enough to let us do a treasure hunt on their property and show us around. We even got a see a rare fringe toed lizard!
And of course a thank you to the CNPS chapters and their members that have participated in desert treasure hunts- LA/Santa Monica Mtns, Creosote Ring subchapter, San Gabriel Mountains, Riverside, San Diego, Milo Baker, Kern, Bristlecone, El Dorado, Sacramento, East Bay, Mojave, Mount Lassen, Sanhedrin, Dorothy King Young, Milo Baker, San Luis Obispo, Santa Clara Valley and Santa Cruz (please forgive me if I have left any chapter out!).